Today I want to talk to you about a very important principle and that being "holding your spiritual ground". What this means is holding steadfastly to the Word of God in lieu of factual truths that may be present. It is essential that the definition of facts and/or factual be defined in hopes of clarifying and the solidifying the important use this principle.
The definition of facts as Merriam-Webster defines the term is “something that truly exists or happened.” In other words, facts or factual is something real; evidence that something real occurred. It presents a side of truth that suggests the issue before you is insurmountable or finished; absolute. It may be a situation that it’s past time for believing any further that any action taken can greatly the situation - death would be an example of this. Evenso, the time frame in which you have told others what you are believing for, no change has occurred in the physical and seemingly, all the bottom has fallen out of any hopes of the manifested desire.
Today’s discussion centers on the Word of God bringing life to your situation thus, causing a resurrection restoring full life to the issue.
If the historical roll was taken to those in spite of naysayers and impossible feats surely the names of Orville and Wilbur Wright (inventors of the first passenger airplane) would lead out on this role of changing the odds to their favor. Society benefit greatly beause of their undying will to “fly”. call in history and look at the Wright brothers who were told that man can not fly.
Other names that have made this list of unwavering believers in the quest to go beyond facts and move into the supernatural are: Thomas Edison who tapped the current of electricity brought to household use by Benjamin Franklin to bring us lighting and many more inventions. The great scientist, George Washington who reputedly discovered three hundred uses for peanuts and hundreds more for soybeans changed the world of agriculture, farming and medicine. Dr.Charles Drew was a scientist and physical surgeon and medical researcher. His medical research in the area of blood was a major breakthrough in medical surgery causing changes in surgery, blood storage, transfusions, and blood donations the world over. he developed an improved techniques for blood storage, and applied his expert knowledge to developing large-scale blood banks early doing World War II. His research saved thousands of lives of solders, who would have died. He like all of the other people we have mentioned overcame great odds to produce what they were told could never happen. They held their spiritual ground believing that what they held in their guts was true even though facts didn’t support it. This is what our lesson is about this week - holding your ground in the spirit.
Looking into the Gospel of John, chapter 11, the story of the Death and Resurrection of Lazarus centers on the message of holding your spiritual ground. Paraphrasing the scriptures we read were Lazarus had fallen deathly ill and even after being summoned Jesus tarried, foreknowing that Lazarus, his friend would die. Our Lord indeed allowed the platform to be developed in order to teach by precept and example the principle of holding your spiritual ground for indeed He, Himself had to hold His spiritual ground in order to resurrect Lazarus in the face of great scorn, mocking and disbelief.
The same was true as in the case of Jairus (Matthew 9: 18-26 and Mark 5: 21-43) who sought out Jesus for the healing of his daughter who eventually died prior to Jesus arriving. Jesus knowing full well that this occurrence was not permanent yet, His words to Jairus in the face of unbelievers, scoffers and professional mourners was simply, "Just believe."
Herein is the spiritual revelation: If one can only center their mind on the spiritual principle over what we see naturally - any fear can be conquered bringing forth supernatural occurrences.
Jesus' words overpower any of those we speak outside of God's word. In both the aforementioned cases, Jesus had to deal with what was being said about Him, the issue at hand, and what had never been done before. He had to speak life into a dead and decayed situation and He has taught us this principle - that when ye stand believing even in the face of a decaying situation, when you refuse to move off the Word of God supernatural (divine) manifestation occurs.
Natural principles present facts, but not they don't present the finished work of God. The spiritual things are held together through faith! Therefore, when our faith is steadfast and unwavering we hold our spiritual ground reaping victoriously in both the natural and spiritual.
Jesus' example to us is to hold our spiritual ground even in the face of a decaying or seemingly decayed situation. He is truly the Resurrection and the Life.
Pastor Jasper
Afterthought: Proverbs 6:2 You are snared by the words of your mouth.